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篇名 外派人員跨文化訓練、跨文化能力與外派適應之關聯性研究-以中國大陸臺資企業為實證對象
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 The Relationships among Cross-Cultural Training, Expatriate Skills, and Expatriate Adjustment: An Empirical Study of Taiwan Enterprises in Mainland China
作者 諸承明藍雅馨余坤東
頁次 047-074
關鍵字 外派人員跨文化訓練外派適應中國大陸ExpatriatesCross-Cultural TrainingExpatriate AdjustmentMainland China
出刊日期 201810


隨著兩岸經貿活動的日趨熱絡,臺灣許多企業紛紛前往中國大陸投資設廠,並派出 為數眾多的外派人員赴對岸任職。由於海峽兩岸長期以來的文化阻隔,導致彼此間互信 基礎薄弱,各種文化偏見與溝通誤解亦油然而生,使得臺資企業外派人員在中國大陸面 臨的跨文化適應問題,並不亞於其他地區。有鑑於此,本研究遂以跨文化訓練、外派人 員跨文化能力與外派適應之關聯性為題,針對臺資企業赴中國大陸的外派人員進行實證 調查,在蒐集並分析了150 份樣本資料後,獲致下列三項重要研究結果: (1) 根據因素分析結果,本研究得出跨文化訓練可分為「安全及關係管理訓練」、「語言 及風俗文化訓練」、「溝通及社交禮儀訓練」、「法政及生活資訊訓練」等四構面;外 派人員跨文化能力可分為「溝通理解能力」、「壓力調適能力」、「文化包容能力」等 三構面;外派適應可分為「工作適應」、「生活適應」、「環境適應」等三構面。 (2) 本研究的相關分析顯示:跨文化訓練、跨文化能力、及外派適應三者彼此間均具有 顯著的關聯性。其中跨文化訓練對於跨文化能力及外派適應均具有顯著的正相關, 跨文化能力對於外派適應亦均具有顯著的正相關。 (3) 雖然相關分析顯示各變項彼此間均具有顯著關聯性,但是將各變項一併納入LISREL 模式分析後得知:跨文化訓練與外派適應之間的直接效應並不成立,此路徑的參數 估計值未達到顯著水準。但是跨文化訓練經由外派人員跨文化能力提升進而影響外 派適應的間接效應則獲得成立,此路徑的各項參數估計值均已達顯著水準。


As commerce and trading across the Taiwan Strait heat up than ever, more and more Taiwan enterprises seek to invest and set up manufactories in mainland China with many more expatriate employees forwarded to hold positions there. However, the past few decades of separation has resulted in fragile mutual trust, various cultural prejudices and miscommunications. These issues have created cross-cultural adjustment problems on expatriate employees from Taiwan enterprises no less than on those employees from other locations. Concerning these issues and implications, this study is centered on the topic of expatriate employee cross-cultural training, their skills and their overseas adjustment as the main theme with empirical survey of Taiwan enterprises expatriate employees in mainland China. Through the survey and analysis on the 150 collected samples, this study reaches the following three principal conclusions. (1) According to factor analysis, cross-cultural training can be established in four aspects: safety and relationship management training, language and cultural custom training, communication and social skill training, and legal and living information training. Skills of expatriate employees are centered on communication and understanding, pressure regulation and adaptation, and culture tolerance. As to expatriate adjustment, work adjustment, living adjustment, and environment adjustment are the three main considerations. (2) Analysis of correlation shows that there are significant correlations among the cross-cultural training, expatriate skills and expatriate adjustment. In particular,cross-cultural training has significant and positive effect on both expatriate skills and expatriate adjustment. (3) While analysis shows there are significant correlations among all three variables, LISTREL model analysis, with all data input, indicates the direct impact effect by cross-cultural training on expatriate adjustment can’t be established. The derived parameter of this path does not reach a momentous level. On the other hand, the indirect effect on expatriate adjustment by cross-cultural training through enhanced expatriate skills is confirmed. The derived parameters of this path reach a significant level.
