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篇名 年輕世代的行動攝影實踐與美感想像: 以Instagram使用者為例
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Practice of Mobile Photography and Aesthetic Experiences: Taking Young Instagrammer as an Example
作者 金麟
頁次 090-121
關鍵字 行動攝影美學業餘攝影者實踐Instagrammobile photographyaestheticsamateur photographerpracticeInstagram
出刊日期 201811


本文採深度訪談法,以Instagram使用者為例,探討臺灣年輕世代的行 動攝影實踐以及美感想像。本文發現,首先,Instagram使用者的攝影實踐 受到拍照工具以及生活型態的影響。其次,雖然行動手機的出現讓Instagram 使用者無時無處皆能拍照,但使用者記錄的是日常生活中的特殊時刻。最 後,Instagram使用者的行動攝影實踐是一種美的創造,其意義主要表現為 日常生活美學和藝術美學的交織。


Taking Instagrammer as an example, this study aims to explore the practice of mobile photography of young generation in Taiwan and their imagination of aesthetics through in-depth interview. The data analyzed in this study shows that Instagrammers’ photographic practice are influenced by photography tools and personal experiences. Whafs more, although using mobile phone, Instagrammers are able to take pictures anywhere and at any time, they only document the special moments in everyday life. The key finding of this study is that the mobile photographic practice is a creation of beauty, which means that everyday aesthetics and art-centered aesthetics are intertwined.
