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篇名 教宗庇護十二世與南京主教于斌對「正義之戰」與 「愛國」的看法與實踐:在中國抗日戰爭之脈絡
卷期 45:12=535
並列篇名 Study on the Opinion and Realization of the Pope Pius XII and Mgr. Yu Pin Regarding Just War and Patriotism: in the Context of the Sino-Japanese War
作者 陳聰銘
頁次 067-090
關鍵字 于斌教宗庇護十二世正義之戰愛國中國抗日戰爭Mgr. Yu PinPius XIIJust WarPatriotismSino-Japanese WarA&HCI
出刊日期 201812


于斌樞機一生愛國不落人後,他依恃的理由與動機是「正義」與「愛國」,且將他的思想付諸行動。然而,教廷高層對其行動並不甚支持。本研究將鎖定在南京主教于斌以及與他有嚴重歧見的教宗庇護十二世(Pius XII, 1939-1958)本人與教廷對「正義之戰」與「愛國」兩議題的認知,並以中國抗日戰爭為背景,觀察兩方的主張與實際行動。筆者將教宗庇護十二世在1939-1945年這段期間的相關言行置於他所處的二次大戰背景中;同時,也探討于斌在此時期中,如何將其思想與主張付諸行動。本研究之目的在於梳理兩人所處的環境背景之差異性和理念之異同,並將兩者放在中國抗日戰爭之脈絡中檢視彼此之關係與衝突。


The Cardinal Son Eminence Paul Yu Pin was famous for his patriotism throughout his whole life. The reason and motivation of his action replied on “justice” and “patriotism”. Nevertheless, the Vatican authorities didn’t give him much echo on it. This study deals with the differences of understanding of the Popo Pius XII and Mgr. Yu Pin, bishop of Nanjing, on the terms of Just War and Patriotism. The author takes the Sino-Japanese War as background in order to explore their viewpoints and action. He studies Pius XII’s texts of speeches and actions in the context of the World War II (1939-1945); meanwhile, the author explores how Mgr. Yu Pin put his thoughts and advocating into action in the same period. The study aims to clarify the difference of the context in which they were situated and of their respective thoughts, and to examine their relations and conflicts during the Sino-Japanese War.
