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篇名 《中庸》與朱熹「道統」論之構建
卷期 45:12=535
並列篇名 The Doctrine of the Mean and Zhu Xi’s Construction of “Confucian Orthodoxy” Theory
作者 張卉
頁次 131-143
關鍵字 《中庸》「道統」「道學」「心」「中」朱熹二程The Doctrine of the MeanConfucian OrthodoxyDaoxueMindZhongZhu XiEr ChengA&HCI
出刊日期 201812




Zhu Xi was influenced by er cheng (i.e. Cheng Hao & Cheng Yi); he regarded The Doctrine of the Mean as the text of “Confucian Orthodoxy” and as the unfoldment of his “Sixteen-word Mind-to-Mind Instruction”. Based on Zhu Xi’s Commentary on The Doctrine of the Mean and Preface to the Book of Commentary on The Doctrine of the Mean, this paper analyses the close relationship between the system of “Mind” and “Zhong” and Zhu Xi’s construction of “Confucian Orthodoxy”. From the perspective of philosophical construction, Zhu Xi defined “Mind” as multifaceted and having multi-layered meanings, which provided the epistemological guarantee for his view that “mind” was a construct of “Confucian Orthodoxy”. Moreover, using “Zhongyong” (i.e. middle way, balance) and “Zhonghe” (i.e. harmony) as the main subject categories of “Zhong” (i.e. bent neither one way or another), Zhu Xi provided ontological and temperamental support for the view that “Zhong” was also a construct of Confucian Orthodoxy. From a realistic point of view, Zhu Xi maintained that categories of “Mind” and “Zhong” were embodied in our daily moral principles and ultimately implemented in the “heavenly principles” and “human desires”, which provided the most basic way of learning “Dao” at both ethical and practical levels. In the end, the author takes Yu Yingshi’s “Daoxue—Confucian Orthodoxy” debate as a starting point to argue that the main content of “the Confucian studies of ethics” is the study of inner sanctification. “Daoxue” focuses on “theory”, whereas “Confucian orthodoxy” focuses on the inheritance of orthodoxy, which can be seen as the externalisation of the Confucian studies of ethics and part of the “orthodox” history of Confucianism.
