
運輸學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 設計與評估提升公共運輸使用率之遊戲化激勵機制
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 Design and Evaluate Gamification Incentives to Promote Public Transportation Use
作者 張淳恩邱裕鈞傅強
頁次 089-112
關鍵字 公共運輸使用率遊戲化激勵機制雙變量次序普羅比模式Public Transportation UseGamification IncentiveBivariate Ordered ProbitTSSCI
出刊日期 201806


為提升公共運輸使用率及解決尖峰供給不足之問題,本文設計一套遊戲化 激勵機制,並招募50 名受測者進行三週的遊戲化激勵機制實驗(每週不同的機 制),並透過網路社群讓受測者間互相交流與比較,以產生社會性影響。本文將 「選擇公共運輸」及「選擇離峰出發」的選擇行為分為「不選擇」、「低機率選 擇」、「中機率選擇」、「高機率選擇」四種程度,並利用雙變量次序普羅比 (bivariate ordered probit) 加以模化。結果顯示兩種選擇行為未有顯著相關,顯著 變數包括性別、職業、收入、同行人數及通勤距離等。推估結果也證實無論有 無提供獎金,遊戲化激勵機制對運具轉移和尖峰轉移均具有效果,尤對時間轉 移更為有效。


To promote use of public transportation (PT) and relieve insufficient PT supply at peak hours, this paper designs a three-week gamification experiment (a specific incentive scheme is applied each week) with 50 invited participants to evaluate the effect of gamification incentives. Communication and competition among participants are real time posted at social media. Since two credited choices: to use public transportation and to depart at off-peak are responded at four degrees: no, low, medium, and high probability, this paper uses bivariate ordered probit to simultaneously model mode and departure time choice behaviors. The estimation results show that these two choice behaviors are not correlated and the variables of gender, occupation, income, number of accompanies and commuting distance are significantly tested. The gamification schemes with or without monetary rewards are all found effective. Additionally, gamification incentives are found to be more effective for departure time shift than mode shift.
