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篇名 臺灣身心障礙需求評估與服務輸送圖像:脈絡中的制度化效果
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Needs Assessment and Service Delivery for the Disabled in Taiwan: Effects of Institutionalization in Contexts
作者 賴俊帆
頁次 087-118
關鍵字 需求評估福利服務輸送制度化新古典自由主義管理主義Needs assessmentDelivery of welfare serviceManagerialismNeo-liberalismInstitutionalization
出刊日期 201810
DOI 10.3966/222372402018100802003




In this study, the author examined how ideas, historical contexts, implemented structure and individual factors influenced needs assessment system for the disabled and the subsequent realization of the delivery system of welfare service in Taiwan. First, Taiwan’s transition to managerialism in the face of the tension between marketization and social protection under neoliberalism is expounded. Next, the specific development process and context that Taiwan underwent when designing policies for the disabled is explained. According to the discerned historical context, this study then discusses Taiwan’s disability evaluation and needs assessment systems and changes. The following effects of institutionalization is discerned: in addition to the legal welfare and service items that contain adult-centric and ableist biases originating from the independent-dependent dichotomous concepts, the streaming system for administrative conveniency, and the legal welfare and service items adopted as the content of needs assessment, have all restricted imaginations on the subject of the disabled and their needs as well as the content of actual service delivery. Implications on related policies are provided as the conclusion of this study.
