
臺灣傳播學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 逆想人文社會科學寫作:來自小說敘事研究的啓迪與演示
卷期 9
並列篇名 Narrative Rejuvenating on Human and Social Science Writing
作者 胡紹嘉
頁次 275-304
關鍵字 敘事主體敘事時間社會科學寫作範式風格narrating subjecttime of narrationsocial science writingparadigmatic styleTSSCI
出刊日期 200606


本文源於作者對現有學術書寫範式,在描述硏究現實的手段上,其 有效性和適宜性的充分懷疑◊藉由對小說敘事研究中,「敘事主體」與 「敘事時間」此兩種文學批評概念的援用,以及關於主體性與時間之敘 事意涵的反覆論證和後設演示,本文嘗試將論文書寫由傅統的主/客分 裂的「純描述」幻想,恢復爲作者自覺意識的「敘事再现」過程。最終, 本文揭示未來人文社會科學寫作的可能途徑與風格內容。


In the past, literature and science were usually divided to two separate domains. Literature was the repository of rhetoric, subjectivity, and fiction, whereas science was the repository of “plain” language, objectivity, and fact. The “modernist” vision of science writing, which was treated as a transparent,clear pane of glass, simply reflecting the objective “reality”, has dominated social scientific thinking. Until recently, this view has been seriously challenged. The purpose of this article is to respond to such a challenge. By introducing the concepts of narrating subject and time of narration from narratology, this article tries to answer the following question: how should we write a social scientific paper? At the end of this article, the author delineates how we expect about writing would affect what we write about.
