
臺灣傳播學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 跨國性社群電視媒體初探: 以《台灣媳婦》爲例
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Transnational Community Media in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Program of "Taiwanese Wives"
作者 王俐容王維菁朱淑娟
頁次 267-313
關鍵字 文化認同跨國社群跨國媒體新移民女性cultural identitytransnational communitiestransnational community mediamigrant womenTSSCI
出刊日期 200812


在全球化與跨國社群流動的時代裡,媒體一方面協助跨國社群維繫 與原生社會的文化關係,一方面仍繼續扮演文化同化者的角色,許多研 究均指出此一複雜矛盾的狀況。本文以台灣少見特地為新跨國社群「新 移民女性」製作的電視節目《台灣媳婦》為例,探索跨國社群與台灣跨 國社群媒體之間的文化關係,研究新移民與跨國性社群媒體的互動是否 帶來同化、抵抗、社會整合或其他社會文化影響,並理解新移民如何建 構她們在台灣社會中的文化認同。


In the age of globalization and global immigration, transnational community media have complex and contradictory influences on immigrants' identity: on the one hand, transnational community media provide immigrants an important cultural link with their original countries; on the other hand, it is also a tool for assimilating newcomers into the host society. This paper explores the cultural tension and the identity relationships formed between the transnational community media and transnational communities by researching audience studies and the TV program "Taiwanese Wives," which was made for the special immigrant group of "foreign brides" from Southeast Asian countries. By so doing, this research may increase our understanding of how migrant women construct their cultural identity and cultural relationships in Taiwan society.
