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篇名 中共軍事媒體外宣傳播策略之研究
卷期 113
並列篇名 PRC’s Military Media Propaganda and Dissemination Strategy
作者 董慧明
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 融媒體議題設定軟實力三戰media integrationagenda settingsoft powerThree Warfare
出刊日期 201812




The PRC’s military media has become more effective in promoting their messages after their recent “media integration” reform. A variety of military media not only being the messengers of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) but also form a new type of military soft power by penetrating people’s perceptions even before a possible war broke out. This study demonstrates that this is an emerging crucial issue by examining relevant literatures, and further explores their possible propaganda strategies. My findings show that PRC’s military media has been eagerly looking for dominating the public opinion flow and the discourse privilege by three approaches: first, establishing new international media platforms; second, employing balanced reporting strategy; and third, selecting appropriate agenda setting. This study examines 15 major PRC’s official and military news websites and evaluates their media capacities. This study also shows how PRC’s military media employs balanced reporting strategy to eliminate foreign media’s negative reports on the case of PLA Navy’s escort mission in the Gulf of Aden. This study also reveals how PRC’s military media tries to reach their maximum effectiveness by conducting a topic-driven communication through “China Military Science” journal, internet media of Weibo, WeChat, and YouTube. At the same time, this study exposes the deficiencies and weaknesses of these strategies. It is urgent, on the one hand, for the Taiwan government and its military to fully comprehend these possible trends and PRC’s military media propagation patterns, on the other hand, we should start to be equipped with the capability to countermeasure the PLA’s “Three Warfare” in order to maintain our advantages.
