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篇名 正面與負面網路訊息影響國軍形象的大數據分析
卷期 113
並列篇名 How ROC Army’s Image is Affected by Positive and Negative Network Messages: A Big Data Analysis
作者 羅治傑王皜宇陳昱璟唐學明
頁次 143-180
關鍵字 國軍形象網路訊息大數據分析情緒分析關鍵詞分析文本探勘網路聲量社群活躍度正負情緒比the image of the ROC armynetwork messagesbig data analysissentiment analysiskeyword analysistext miningnetwork voice volumecommunity activitypositive and negative emotion ratio
出刊日期 201812




The image-improving of the ROC army has always been one of the key tasks by the Ministry of National Defense since it is closely related to the civilian support for the army and the good relationship between the army and the public. In this era of mobile device filled with all kinds of speedy and effective messages, the public opinion (sentiment) analysis helps us to respond swiftly to a particular event and to comprehend the overall trend of a concerned issue after a long-term observation. This study looks into three major events affecting the image of the ROC army in 2017 by examining their relevant messages on internet. Two of them are more positive image-affecting events including the “rapid flashing activity” and the propaganda film “Best Choice”. The other one is more negative, the Qingfu coastal minehunter loan-fraud scandal. We collect network messages from news sites, social networking sites, blogs, and discussion forums, for sentiment analysis and text mining, which are thought to be a qualitative research. In addition, other image-relevant events on internet are collected to explore the reaction from mass media. The image-related reaction from the public is measured by two dimensions: one is the evaluation of army functions which is further measured by three aspects, war preparation, morale, and military discipline; the other is the identity recognition from the public. Thus, there are totally four aspects of reactions, including positive and negative reactions. The more quantitative indicators such as network voice volume, community activity, and positive and negative emotion ratio are used in the big data analysis to explore the impact of those events on the ROC army image. Our results show that positive and negative emotion ratio is significantly related to the classification of network messages. Regarding morale and military discipline, negative evaluation is higher than positive; on the aspect of identity recognition, positive evaluation is more than negative; on war preparation, the positive and negative types of evaluations are considered equivalent. Furthermore, messages with high community activity, such as the Navy's Qingfu scandal, have more negative evaluations than positive ones; On the contrary, messages with a lower degree of social media activity, such as the opening of the air force bases, are more positively evaluated than negatively.
