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篇名 理想人生的新向度──北朝隋代在家女性墓誌中的信仰描述
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A New Dimension of the Ideal Life: Narratives of Religious Belief in Epitaphs of Lay Women during the Northern Dynasties and the Sui Dynasty
作者 鄭雅如
頁次 001-090
關鍵字 墓誌文本佛教信仰描述理想形象女性典範epitaphsBuddhismnarratives of religious beliefideal imagewomen’s role models
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/207503662018061001001




After the Northern Wei dynasty moved its capital to Luoyang, the emphasis of epitaph texts developed toward praise of the dead, and the epitaph became a socially accepted arena for the recognition of personal achievement. The epitaph writer constructed an idealized narrative of the subject’s life, selecting elements from his or her life and mixing them with cultural values. In the late Northern Wei Dynasty, belief in Buddhism began to be written into these epitaph narratives, as an accepted part of the ideal image and life achievement. This can be regarded as evidence of the incorporation of the value of Buddhism into orthodox culture.
This article focuses on narratives of religious belief in epitaphs of lay women of the Northern Dynasties and Sui Dynasty, exploring how Buddhism and gender culture might have affected each other in early medieval China. It examines how the writers presented the relationship between Buddhism and the ideal life of women. How was the narrative of Buddhism combined with other narrative themes, and how did it connect or disconnect with traditional women's roles? With the inclusion of Buddhist narrative elements, what changed in women’s ideal images? These narratives reflect how and to what extent society had come to accept the values of Buddhism. This article shows that Buddhism took part in constructing ideal female images, influenced the evaluation of female virtues, expanded the range of women's "role models", and provided a life pattern that transcended family roles and ethics. The significant influence of Buddhism on women’s subjective experience and living environment in early medieval China should not be underestimated.
