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篇名 卡爾巴特與改教領袖們論嬰兒洗禮
卷期 2018
並列篇名 Infant Baptism: Karl Barth versus Leaders of Mainstream Reformation
作者 譚國才
頁次 201-237
關鍵字 巴特嬰兒洗禮改教家聖禮重洗派Karl Barthinfant baptismreformerssacramentAnabaptist
出刊日期 201812




On the occasion when the world had just commemorated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this article intends to review the problem of infant baptism, by hearing the mainstream reformers of the 16th century on the one side and Karl Barth of the 20th century on the other side. This article asks, what caused the Anabaptists to reject infant baptism? Why did the mainstream reformers support infant baptism, and what were their reasons? Why did Karl Barth reject infant baptism too, and how did he response to the reformers’ theological arguments for it? This article first reviews the reasons for abolishing infant baptism by the Anabaptists. Then reasons for supporting infant baptism by Zwingli, Luther, and Calvin are analyzed. The main part of this article is devoted to explain Karl Barth’s view of baptism and his critique of infant baptism. Particular attention is laid on his responses to the reformers. His division of baptism into two sides is explained, namely baptism in the Holy Spirit and that in water. The former corresponds to the divine work, and the later to the human response. Barth rejected infant baptism because the meaning of baptism by water is the obedience of the baptized believer toward God’s commands, and the believer’s hope for God’s promise. But the infant cannot actively express this obedience and hope, so it is meaningless to baptize an infant. The more fundamental reason of Barth’s rejection of infant baptism is that it is based on the sacramental view of baptism which sees baptism as a direct divine work instead of a human responsive action. Finally, this article presents Barth’s criticism of Zwingli, Luther, and Calvin’s arguments for infant baptism.
