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篇名 以學習者中心模式發展國際教育融入綜合活動領域之行動研究─以「小小地球村」為例
卷期 38
並列篇名 Developing International Education through the Learner-centered Model in Integrated Activity Curriculum An Action Research on “The Small Village Global Village Project”
作者 廖婉雯
頁次 071-098
關鍵字 綜合活動國際教育學習者中心課程行動研究Integrated ActivitiesInternational EducationLearner-CenteredCurriculum Action Research
出刊日期 201812




The purpose of this study is to develop a curriculum for integrated activities following the CORE model of the Learner-centered teaching. The study adopted a Curriculum Action Research. 16 students of a senior class in an elementary school were taught in 16 lessons for four months. Through the analysis of teaching design, teaching records, instructional reflection and student learning records, the study reported a successful CORE model: The curriculum first addressed the connection between the students and the world by international news reading as the common experience (C). It set up a scaffolding task in order to help students organize and build up the link between them to the world (O). Through the teaching procedure transferring tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge, the curriculum guided students to reflect (R). By doing role play, students applied what they had learned and constructed their own perspectives (E). In short, in “The Small Village Global Village Curriculum Project” students raised global awareness, read and understood international news and advanced their personal learning strategies. Based on the Learner-Centered model, the researcher improved the teaching of integrated activities through the consistent revision of activity design, and the modification of standard evaluation. In the conclusion, suggestions about the curriculum of integrated activities and further studies are provided.
