
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Safe and Efficient Storage Scheme Based on BlockChain and IPFS for Agricultural Products Tracking
卷期 29:6
作者 JinTao HaoYan SunHong Luo
頁次 158-167
關鍵字 agricultural products trackingblockchainIPFSstorage schemeEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/199115992018122906015



The adoption of agricultural products traceability management based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology provides excellent benefits for the current food safety issues. The provenance data can demonstrate agricultural products movement process from the countryside to the dining table. However, the massive provenance data incurs an inefficient query. Meanwhile, the provenance data can be tampered deliberately which affect food safety. There are seldom reported approaches that can solve the above problem effectively. In this paper, we propose a data storage model based on Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) and blockchain. First, IPFS is used to store video, images, and real-time monitoring data reported from the sensors. Then, in order to avoid a malicious user in case of data faking attack, we exploit the blockchain to store the IPFS hash address of the provenance data. Based on that, we design an authentication mechanism based on blockchain. It can verify the data and ensures effective data security. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can outperforms the existing methods.

