
政大中文學報 THCI

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篇名 走內線的路─梁宗岱的體驗批評
卷期 30
並列篇名 Taking the Internal Route: Liang Zongdai’s Experimental Criticism
作者 廖棟樑錢瑋東
頁次 095-128
關鍵字 梁宗岱體驗批評純詩走內線的路詩人─批評家Liang Zongdaiexperimental criticismtaking the internal routepure poetrypoet-criticTHCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.30407/BDCL.201812_(30).0004




“Taking the Internal Route” was Liang Zongdai’s declaration of his position on literary criticism. This declaration is not just about reverting from concentrating on objective factors external to the texts back to the texts themselves, but also demonstrates Liang’s profound and unique perspectives. Liang considered the purpose of literary criticism to be the pursuit of “spiritual communication and tacit understanding between readers and writers,” or even the readers’ reconstruction of the writers’ “processes and background of spiritual activities.” “Experimental criticism” became the foundation of his literary criticism. Based on this foundation, he determined that “true understanding and appreciation can only be obtained through texts,” consequently, he established the requirement to “take the internal route.” In other words, when we try to understand why Liang rejected the “external route” in favor of the “internal route,” the concept of “experimental criticism” is key and should not be ignored. This means that we cannot grasp the essence of “taking the internal route” merely from the perspective of “intrinsic criticism” to which we have become accustomed. “Taking the internal route” is not just about the aesthetic experience caused by words in the texts, but rather, about the ultimate purport of the writers’ spiritual experience as expressed in their works.
