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篇名 從古文詞章學論戴震的《屈原賦注》
卷期 30
並列篇名 On Dai Zhen’s Commentary of Qu Yuan’s Fu Poem from the Aspect of Ancient Prose Writing Techniques Studies
作者 陳志信
頁次 129-184
關鍵字 戴震《屈原賦注》《楚辭》學古文詞章學明清學術史Dai ZhenCommentary of Qu Yuan’s Fu PoemsVerses of Chu studiesancient prose writing techniques studiesacademic history of the Ming and the QingTHCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.30407/BDCL.201812_(30).0005




Dai Zhen (1724-1777) masters verification and presents fruitful study results via meticulous research on thing-naming systems and annotations of classics and related explanatory works so as to trace the evolution of words and pronunciations. However, it should be noted that Dai’s brilliance in verification does not overshadow his achievement on writing. For example, his solid and deep literacy in the studies of ancient prose writing techniques is reflected on his outstanding essays, ancient style proses as well as his commentaries on various famous articles. In this paper, I attempt to introduce and discuss Dai Zhen’s Commentary of Qu Yuan’s Fu Poems written in his youth, including The First Draft. I investigate Dai’s experiences of academic studies and delineate the history of ancient prose writing techniques development triggered by the Neo-Confucianist Movement in the Tang and Song dynasties. Dai is deeply influenced by a concept existent ever since the Neo-Confucianist Movement, which celebrates the idea that studying ancient sages’ lessons and articles can help one cultivate one’s magnanimity. He also continues the techniques of commenting and analyzing the author’s writing intentions from aspects such as organization, the key to introduction and conclusion, context, and momentum of sentences. This is why Dai, when annotating and analyzing Qu Yuan’s (340?-278 B.C.) fu poems, is able to understand why Qu never resented his monarch or easily gave up on him. Thus Dai further celebrates Qu’s noble loyalty and aspiration to assist the sovereign, which are the ways of the sages. In short, Dai’s well written reviews and fine verification skills finally enable him to finish confidently his discourse on the Verses of Chu, which especially highlights the pureness of Qu Yuan’s works, as well as showcases Dai’s aspiration and essential thoughts. Lastly, through a comprehensive overview of Dai’s learning of his whole life, I find that verification and writing techniques, two kinds of scholastic abilities mutually complement to each other, are in effect his fundamental studying strategies. From the academic history viewpoint, it demonstrates that Dai’s studies indeed succeed the Neo-Confucianist Movement style of reading which aims to cultivate one’s mind and writing. Nevertheless, Dai also advocates verification and research as the heart of the matter so as to avoid the major drawback of ancient prose writing techniques studies ─ arbitrary justification of one’s own argument regardless of the evidence. In this way, Commentary of Qu Yuan’s Fu Poems allows us to have an insight into the significance of the academics in Dai’s epoch.
