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篇名 一位C 型肝炎病人首次接受干擾素合併抗病毒藥物治療之照護經驗
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 Experience of caring for a patient with hepatitis C receiving first combination therapy of interferon and antivirus medications
作者 蔡偉琦鄭依鳳陳繪竹
頁次 063-076
關鍵字 C 型肝炎干擾素合併抗病毒治療Hepatitis CCombination treatment of interferon and antivirus drug
出刊日期 201812


本文為一位C 肝病人在門診行干擾素合併Ribavirin 治療的照護經驗;2014 年3 月 17 日至2015 年2 月16 日間,藉直接照護、觀察、傾聽、會談及電話訪談等,運用生 理、心理、社會、靈性等層面進行整體性評估,確立健康問題有焦慮、潛在危險性傷害 及特定知識缺失。以關懷、傾聽來引導個案表達對C 肝治療的副作用及治療預後成效 之焦慮及感受,提供心理支持,讓個案積極面對治療、恢復正向心態,並邀案女參與照 護計畫,了解治療所產生的副作用,返家後能適時給予相關照護,預防潛在傷害,如感 染。於過程中發現個案擔心C 肝治癒的成效不彰,導致對未來不確定感增加,藉由C 肝治療成功病友分享,增進個案對疾病認知與信心並提升自我照護技巧,落實以病人為 中心之個別護理。


This article is to share our experience of caring a patient with hepatitis C receiving the combination treatment of interferon and antivirus drug at an outpatient setting from 3/17/2014 to 2/16/2015. We exercised holistic assessments from different aspects including physiology, psychology and social-spirituality to find out potential health problems such as anxiety, risk for injury and lack of specific knowledge. In order to help patient face her disease with positivity and get back to her normal routine, we have encouraged patient to express her anxiety and open up his feeling about the treatment and disease prognosis. We provided listening and proactive support as needed. We also invited her to participate in updating care plan to help her fully understand the treatment and possible side effects. Furthermore, this also helps her on better self-care and prevents potential injury such as infection. However, patient seems still uncertain and worried about failing on treatment. We further shared the story of successful cases with her to ease her feeling, enhance her knowledge and also improve her skills on self-care to finally achieve our goal of patient-center care.
