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篇名 恆春半島地區銀合歡移除復育造林之生態系服務功能效益評估
卷期 32:3
並列篇名 The Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services of Reforestation on Removal of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in Hengchuen Peninsula Area
作者 郭家和陳建璋陳朝圳
頁次 199-220
關鍵字 外來種入侵生態系服務森林資源評價能值分析法Invasive alien speciesEcosystem servicesForest resources evaluationEmergy analysis
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.201809_32(3).0004


長期以來,銀合歡(ieMCflena/eMcocep^fl/fl (Lam.)deWit)已在臺灣地區造成嚴重的 生態入侵問題,迫使原生森林生態系服務功能衰退及喪失。因此,政府等相關單位無不投 入大量人力及費用進行銀合歡移除整治等相關工作;農委會林務局屏東林區管理處長期以 來對於恆春半島地區進行全面性的銀合歡移除復育工作並獲得良好之成效;為了解銀合歡 入侵林相經轉化為造林地後其生態系服務價值效益價值為何,本研究從森林生態系服務功 能之供給及調節服務中選擇了7項評估指標;運用能值分析法進行量化分析並將結果換算 為銀合歡移除復育造林生態系服務各評估指標之經濟價值。結果顯示,在7項生態系服務 評估指標中,以碳吸存功能(61.6%)為整體生態系服務經濟價值中最主要之項目,其次為 生物多樣性功能(26.3%)、水土保持功能(4.2%)。整體而言,銀合歡移除復育造林在生態服 務價值估算為40,310.4-53,023.6元/ha/year,皆高於銀合歡未移除林相之10,495.6-19,556.0元 /ha/year。其生態效益價值高於未移除銀合歡之林相2-5倍之多,顯示透過銀合歡移除復育 造林除能將林相恢復外並有助於森林生態服務價值提升。


Invasion of ZewcaeHG /ewcoc印办g/g (Lam.) de Wit in Taiwan has become more severe and caused a rapid decrease in the functions of native forest ecosystem services for the past few years. Thus, government agencies invested a large amount of resources expecting to reverse the deteriorating situation. With numerous long term comprehensive efforts by the Pingtung Forest District Office in Hengchun peninsula area, results of removal of L. leucocephala and reforestation were positive. In order to understand values of the forest ecosystem services between the removal and reforestation period, we applied 7 evaluation indicators and emergy analysis to quantify economic values of forest ecosystem services. According to the outcome based on the 7 evaluation indicators, carbon sequestration service accounted for 61.6% of the entire ecosystem services value, which was the highest. The second highest category was biodiversity service, which accounted for 26.3%, and following next was the water soil conservation services for 4.2%. Overall, the value of the ecosystem service is always higher after removal and reforestation (40,310.4 to 53,023.6 NTD/ha/year) compared to before (10,495.6 to 19,556.0 NTD/ha/year). Removal and reforestation of L. leucocephala benefits forests with better establishment that recovers the forest, and furthermore, increases values of the ecosystem services by 2-5 times higher compared to L. leucocephala not being removed.
