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篇名 溪頭廣葉鋸齒雙蓋蕨之物候監測研究
卷期 32:3
並列篇名 The Phenology of Diplazium dilatatum Blume in Xitou
作者 劉威廷揚智凱
頁次 235-248
關鍵字 廣葉鋸齒雙蓋蕨物候溪頭Diplazium dilatatumPhenologyXitou
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.201809_32(3).0006


本研究於2013年7月起至2016年6月間,針對溪頭自然教育園區内之廣葉鋸齒雙蓋 蕨進行物候監測研究。監測樣本共計11株,物候紀錄包含幼葉發生、葉片伸展、葉片枯 萎、產生孢子囊、孢子成熟乃至釋放等項目。研究結果顯示3-5月為孢子葉的抽芽高峰,7-9月則為營養葉主要抽葉時期,營養葉之發生與周邊環境的溫度及降雨具顯著之正相關 性。幼葉抽出後至葉片成熟開展約需2個月以上的時間,多數葉片之壽命亦可達20個月以 上。孢子之成熟高峰主要集中於6-11月間,分析結果亦顯示:環境溫度與孢子成熟有極高 的正相關性。


The phenology of Diplazium dilatatum Blume was studied in the Xitou Nature Education Area of central Taiwan, from July 2013 to June 2016. Phenological events, including fronds emergence, expansion, senescence, spore maturation, and spore release were documented. For most of the collected 11 plant specimens, fertile fronds emerged during March to May, whereas sterile fronds emerged during July to September. The average time of fronds to be fully spanned were greater than 2 months. The average life span of fertile fronds was ca. 24 months, and was slightly longer than sterile fronds (ca. 21 months). The average length of fertile fronds was not significantly greater than that of sterile fronds. There were linearly positive correlation between sterile fronds emergence and environmental factors (temperature and rainfall). Spore maturation majorly occurred between June and November, and was significantly positively correlated to temperature.
