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篇名 失落的里山:臺灣淺山客家聚落的發展歷程與環境資源保育
卷期 32:4
並列篇名 Lost in Satoyama: The Development Processes and Environmental Resource Conservation of Taiwanese Hakka Villages in Shallow Mountain Areas
作者 鍾明光盧道杰
頁次 249-258
關鍵字 環境資源保育里山倡議社區林業新保育典範Environment resource conservationSatoyama InitiativeCommunity forestryNew conservation paradigm
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.201812_32(4).0001


里山倡議是近年政府力推的保育政策,其與國際農業生物多樣性保育、傳統知識 保存以及鄉村社區發展等議題的趨勢密切相關,主張藉由民眾環境活動的導入,達到鄉村 地域活化、森林資源永續利用、及環境防災等效益。然而,應用在臺灣,里山倡議作為一 種保育概念,卻有檢驗在地社區與周邊環境資源關係,及挑戰公部門與在地社區銜接的意 味。本文以美濃的林業發展歷史過程為材料,分析社區林業及國家自然公園兩個政策計 畫,來檢視淺山客家聚落的環境資源開發與影響,並探討臺灣保育部門在山野環境資源保 育上與在地社區的應對。 結果顯示:在美濃不同的林業發展年代,所蘊含不同的發展目標下,可以觀察到臺灣 淺山鄉村社會與其周邊的環境資源間,充滿開發與保育間的競合。在社區林業與國家自然 公園等新保育典範被引介的過程中,都出現重新架接在地社區與環境資源間連結的狀況。 因此,本文建議:任何新保育政策工具或典範的引介,除應檢視政策的實質内涵外,亦要 重新檢視社區參與及其發展過程中的社經環境,並從中尋找適合的銜接介面,始能獲得較 多的在地共鳴與支持,創造一個以社區為主體的新保育典範之發展/轉型路徑。


Satoyama Initiative was one of the hot topics for Taiwanese conservation policy in recent years, which advocated introducing public environmental activities to promote rural development, sustainable use of forest resources, and prevention of natural disasters. It had close links with international trends in agricultural biodiversity conservation, traditional knowledge preservation and rural community development. However, when applied as a new conservation paradigm in Taiwan, it implied examining the interactions between local communities and their surrounding environmental resources, and the links between the government and local communities. Therefore, this study aimed to use the historic processes of forestry development as materials to analyze both community forestry and national natural park programs in Meinung, to examine development and its impacts on environmental resources at Taiwanese Hakka villages, and to explore the approach Taiwanese conservation agencies responding to local communities relevant to environmental resource conservation in shallow mountain areas. The results showed that it was full of competitions between development and conservation for rural villages and their surrounding environmental recourses with different developmental objectives in shallow mountain areas during different periods of forestry development in Meinung. Regarding the processes to apply the new conservation paradigm in both community forestry and national natural park programs, they experienced a reconnection between local communities and their surrounding environmental resources. Thus, this study suggested that it was necessary to examine the genuine policy contents, to review community participation and the social and economic environment involved in its development, in order to identify a proper i n t e r f a c e f o r c o l l e c t i n g m o r e l o c a l r e s o n a n c e a n d s u p p o r t s , a n d c r e a t i n g t h e developmental/transformational path of a new community-based conservation paradigm.
