
台灣土地研究 TSSCI

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篇名 「氣候變遷災害衝擊之整合性風險治理」永續科學計畫
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Sustainability Science Plan of Integrated Risk Governance of Climate Change Disaster Impact
作者 陳亮全郭士筠周桂田林子倫林李耀林宗弘洪鴻智
頁次 153-180
關鍵字 永續科學災害衝擊氣候變遷整合性風險治理Climate ChangeDisaster ImpactIntegrated Risk GovernanceSustainability ScienceTSSCI
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.6677/JTLR.2018.21.02.153-180




In the 21st century nearly every country in the world needs to face numerous impacts that affect the sustainability of the earth and human beings. These potential risks have been observed as “high scientific complexity and uncertainty,” “high political and economic sensitivity,” “diverse issues and sectors involved,” and “transboundary and intergenerational influence.” These characteristics bring tremendous challenges to scientists and decision makers in discovering and solving these risk problems. Hence, academia begins to develop Sustainability Science, a research area emphasizing interdisciplinary integration and the application and implementation of research outcomes.
The intensity and frequency of extreme weather and climate events in Taiwan have changed because of changing climate. In addition, due to the environmental, societal, and land use changes caused by long-term industrial and economic development, disaster risks have been significantly enhanced. This problem not only would change the features of hydro-meteorological hazards in Taiwan (e.g., spatial feature), but also would directly challenge the existing disaster management system. In other words, questions such as “whether future climate change disaster risks will exceed a place’s current carrying capacity and response ability,” “will environmental change drive disaster risks and which land use type will be affected by disaster risks,” “how will our government and institutions respond to these disaster risks” are important inquiries that may influence the nation’s citizens’ safety and sustainability. Thus, climate change disaster risks are key issues in terms of sustainability science research and policy.
Therefore, this article examines current reality and literature, analyzes the scientific research gaps, and finds out that climate change disaster risk governance needs to integrate three dimensions (i.e., institution and policy, scientific research, and civil society). This article proposes “Integrated risk governance of climate change disaster impact” as the core issue, and plans the sustainability science plan which includes four research directions and twelve research subjects. It anticipates that researchers and agencies can involve in this research and apply the outcomes. Ultimately a framework of integrated risk governance that focuses on climate change disaster impacts and suits for Taiwan’s condition can be developed and constructed in the country.
