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篇名 論唐君毅對現代文化的省思
卷期 66
並列篇名 On Tang Junyi’s Reflections on Modern Culture
作者 鄭宗義
頁次 019-056
關鍵字 現代文化客觀價值意識道德宗教哲學the modern culturethe objective consciousness of valuesmoralreligionphilosophy
出刊日期 201812




This paper aims to analyze Tang Junyi’s reflections on modern culture. Accordingly, the thought of the second generation scholars of Contemporary Neo Confucianism is neither ignorant about nor incompatible with the modern culture. For Tang, although the modern culture has had significant contributions to humans, such as modern science and democracy, it, however, has also generated many problems. Among these problems, the most serious one is the loss of an objective consciousness of values, which Tang considers as the result of modern people distrust the ability of reason and view the moral and religious ideas with contempt. In order to resolve the crisis of the modern culture, Tang suggests the reconceptualization of ‘moral,’ ‘religion’ and ‘philosophy’ and their unification to rebuild the objective consciousness of values.
