
Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management

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篇名 The Influence of Project Manager’s Age on Project Success
卷期 9:1
作者 Luli HoxhaCheryl McMahan
頁次 012-019
關鍵字 Project successproject managerageAlbaniaKosovo
出刊日期 201901



The world population is aging rapidly. The United Nations listed aging as one of the main social transformations of the twenty-first century. Aging impacts project managers as well. The most prevalent form of discrimination in workplaces is age discrimination. This study evaluated how project managers’ age influences project success. The population was 108 active or former project managers working in Albania or Kosovo. By using quantitative analysis, it was demonstrated that project managers’ age did not significantly predict project success. Therefore, there is a need to increase awareness among employers, so older project managers are not discriminated based on age.
