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篇名 Suffering in Judeo-Christian Tradition: Towards a Pragmatic Dialogue
卷期 46:1=536
並列篇名 從猶太與基督宗教傳統探討苦難:邁向務實宗教對話
作者 鮑霖
頁次 051-069
關鍵字 EvilSufferingArchetypesJobJesusInterreligious DialogueInterfaith CooperationCatholic Social Teaching苦難痛苦原型約伯耶穌宗教交流與合作天主教社會訓導A&HCI
出刊日期 201901


苦難不間斷地在人類的生活中出現,而苦難這一個課題, 在宗教與哲學間也持續地被拿出來討論,且被認真地對待著。然而, 在天主教中,痛苦早已被聖經有系統化的解釋,即使是具有猶太理念 的基督宗教傳統中的天主教亦是如此,更是神學與哲學反思的議題。 藉由,天主教社會訓導—即教會進入社會的一個思考面向—教會 試圖具體地解決人類面臨的令人震驚的痛苦表現。而且,對多元化的 宗教、文化和哲學進行前所未有的評估中,天主教認為痛苦是人們在 不同宗教信仰與意識形態之間的同桌共融。並且,認為透過攜手面對 痛苦,團結一致,能夠將痛苦這樣荒誕的事物昇華。


Suffering, a constant of human existence, has continuously triggered serious pondering in religious and philosophical circles. In Catholicism, a stem of the Judeo-Christian tradition, suffering has been an inspirational subject for systematic biblical, theological and philosophical reflections. Its appalling manifestations are dealt with in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church, an action oriented thinking for Church’s commitment and engagement in social issues. In an unprecedented appraisal of religious, cultural and philosophical plurality, the latest development of Catholic interpretation has established suffering as the table of communion for people of different faith traditions and ideologies. Joining hands together in solidarity and fellowship can sublimate the absurdity of suffering.
