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篇名 新南向政策背景下國際學生來臺留學現況暨影響因素初探
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Preliminary Investigation of the Current Situation and Influencing Factors of International Students in Taiwan under the Background of New Southbound Policy
作者 潘俊宏張仁家
頁次 154-175
關鍵字 國際學生在臺灣新南向政策留學因素高等教育International students in TaiwanNew Southbound Policystudy abroad factorshigher education
出刊日期 201902


高等教育機構在「全球化」的壓力下務必找出適應和因應的方式,在這過程 的同時也帶動世界各國的教育改革潮。臺灣的高等教育早已進入這個滾動的浪潮 當中。從1987 年臺灣解嚴至今,高等教育機構不斷地擴增,卻因社會結構改變 而面臨重重危機。近年來,臺灣不斷推動、吸引並吸收國際人才,許多政策、計 畫已經實施並獲得一定的成果。本文透過搜集近幾年來相關文獻及政府機構數據 資料,進行分析、探討並初步呈現在臺的國際學生之現今處境、樣貌以及影響他 們選擇來臺留學的主要因素。包括臺灣提供的獎學金、地理位置因素、以及新南 向政策對東南亞及東協國家學生來臺意願之影響。此外、本文也針對這些影響國 際學生來臺的主要因素提出建議,盼望能協助改進,完善目前教育部及政府所實 施的現行政策;或激發更多想法,讓臺灣的高等教育有機會向國外輸出,提升國 際學術聲譽並吸引更多國外人才進來。


Under the tendency of "Globalization", higher education must find ways to adapt and respond. Such a process has also led to a wave of educational reforms in countries around the world. Taiwan’s higher education has already entered this rolling wave. From 1987, after the martial law was settled in Taiwan, higher education institutions continued to expand, but they faced many crises due to changes in social structure. In recent years, Taiwan has continuously promoted and implemented many policies to attract international talents, which have achieved certain results. This article analyzes, explores and preliminarily displays the current situations of international students in Taiwan and the main factors affecting their choice to study abroad by collecting relevant literature and government agencies' data. The potential factors include the scholarships offered by Taiwan, the geographical factors, and the influence of the new southward policy on the willingness of students from Southeast Asia and ASEAN countries to come to Taiwan. In addition, this article also provides suggestions for improving the current policies implemented by the Ministry of Education and the government, or encouraging more ideas for higher education in Taiwan according to the main factors that affect the international students coming to Taiwan. In order to make higher education output, promote international academic reputation and recruit more foreign talents.

