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篇名 朱熹「靜坐觀」中的兩個轉捩點與區別
卷期 46:2=537
並列篇名 “Two Turning Point” and “Two Differentiated” in Zhu Xi’s Meditation
作者 鍾永興
頁次 167-181
關鍵字 朱熹靜坐觀Zhu XiMeditationConfucianismBuddhismZenRespectA&HCI
出刊日期 201902




Summary of meditation is a kind of self-cultivation meditation, for the traditional Chinese culture of the three religions shipped, but the three religions of the meditation form from the external appearance, it is necessary to deeply distinguish the difference is not easy, each other the largest Is not a “sit” type, but a “meditation”, in other words, there is a difference between the definition and the goal. Zhu Xi was a lot of meditation at the time, with the worship of Buddhism and the Buddha out of the tone, he actively delineated Confucianism and Buddhism sit on the line, for the Confucian meditation to add a thicker connotation. The construction and completion of Zhu Xi’s “meditation” can be viewed from the “two turning points” from “Zen to Quiet” and “from Jing to Jing”. On the other hand, it is also possible to explore its system and characteristics from the “two differences” of “Confucianism and Buddhism Differences” and “Respect”.
