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篇名 柏拉圖論愛欲與友愛:《呂西斯》釋義
卷期 46:2=537
並列篇名 Plato on Eros and Philia: An Interpretation of Lysis
作者 陳斯一
頁次 183-196
關鍵字 柏拉圖愛欲友愛善惡屬己PlatoErosPhiliaGoodOikeionA&HCI
出刊日期 201902




Plato’s investigation of love in Lysis presents his understanding of the relationship between eros and philia. For Plato, “the good” and “the own” are two different grounds for love in human nature, in that human love is either for the sake of the good due to the present of the bad, or for the sake of one’s own completion due to the perception of deprivation. The former kind of love is eros which lies behind personal elevation, and the latter kind of love is philia which lies behind social association. This article offers an interpretation of the main plot and arguments of Lysis, with a view to demonstrating that the above two different grounds in human nature constitute the basic framework of Plato’s philosophy of love.
