
國立政治大學哲學學報 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 何謂現象?以日本庭園的 體驗省思現象學
卷期 41
並列篇名 What is a Phenomenon? Reflections on Phenomenology as seen from the Experience of Japanese Gardens
作者 宋灝
頁次 001-044
關鍵字 現象顯現狀態現實切續日本庭園PhenomenonPhenomenalityRealityCut-continuumJapanese GardenTHCI
出刊日期 201901
DOI 10.30393/TNCUP.201901_(41).0001




This paper takes advantage of the idea of a “cut-continuum”, as Ryōsuke Ōhashi has expounded it with respect to Japanese aesthetics, in order to firstly investigate into the experience and aesthetics of Japanese gardens, from a phenomenological perspective. This part of the discussion concerns topics such as atmosphere, place, feeling, the aesthetic dimensions of plants and rocks, the encompassing philosophical content of gardens, the ways a Japanese garden is disclosing the real world, as well as a garden’s temporal dimension. A second main concern of this paper regards the methodological conclusions for phenomenology to be drawn from the above mentioned observations. There is given a critical discussion of central phenomenological issues such as phenomenon, ways of being-given, modes of appearance, horizon, affection, the temporality of the phenomenal, as well as responsivity. By means of this twofold inquiry, this paper aims at as concretely as possible to conduct a critique of phenomenological philosophizing, in order to open up new perspectives for contemporary thinking.
