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篇名 TALIS 2013韓國教師工作滿意度影響 因素之階層線性模型分析
卷期 85
並列篇名 A Study of the Influence Factors on Korean Teacher Job Satisfaction Using Hierarchical Linear Model Analysis among TALIS 2013
作者 黃嘉莉
頁次 001-040
關鍵字 教師工作滿意度相互尊重教師專業發展教與學國際調查韓國teacher job satisfactionmutual respectteacher professional developmentTeaching and Learning International Survey Korea
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.3966/160957582018110085001




This study aims to analyze the factors from levels of teachers and schools influence on Korean teacher job satisfaction (including with environment satisfaction and with profession satisfaction) among Teaching and Learning International Survey in 2013 by hierarchical linear model (HLM) analysis and compare with Japan and Singapore. This study’s findings are: First, the with profession satisfaction of Korean teachers is higher than the with environment satisfaction, indicating the social status and professional of teachers are valued. Second, the effective professional development and teacher cooperation of Korean teachers are low in the three countries, and the professional needs are middle between three countries. Third, from school level, the mutual respect in Korean school climate is higher than Singaporean and the highest of distributed leadership among three countries. Forth, the effective professional development and teacher cooperation at teacher level of Korea can affect the with environment and with profession satisfaction with significant difference, but the professional development needs can affect on with environment satisfaction with significant but not on with profession satisfaction. Fifth, from school level, for Korean teachers, mutual respect and distributed leadership have no significant impact on teacher job satisfaction and the school level can’t make a significant adjustment to the teacher level to impact on teacher job satisfaction. This study provides further research at final.
