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篇名 澳洲TEQSA品質保證與規範對跨國高等教育的影響:追求精進或打安全牌?
卷期 85
並列篇名 The Study on the Impact of TEQSA Quality Assurance and Regulation on Australian Transnational Higher Education: Pursuing Excellence or Playing Safe?
作者 姜麗娟
頁次 041-074
關鍵字 品質保證高等教育品質與標準署跨國高等教育標準及風 險導向規範模式澳洲quality assuranceTertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency transnational higher education standards and risk-based regulatory schemesAustralia
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.3966/160957582018110085002




For re-strengthening international confidence and trust in Australian education services quality, Australian government established the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). The TEQSA, replacing AUQA, becomes the first national regulator to unify the quality regulation and accreditation responsibility, devolved to individual states and territories. The TEQSA adopts standards and risk-based regulatory schemes. The study aims to understand the impact of the TEQSA quality assurance and regulation on Australian transnational higher education (TNHE) through the stakeholders’ views. The main findings include: 1. The TEQSA regulation didn’t impose pressures and difficulties on Australian universities and their TNHE partners as much as expected. 2. The TEQSA risk approach strengthened the importance of working with the experienced and quality TNHE partners. 3. No matter how Australian quality assurance framework evolved, the dilemmas facing the TNHE existed. 4. The TEQSA was expected to have more talks with other national and international quality agencies to resolve the mismatch between quality assurance and regulation. The paper argues that, while Australian universities have been used to quality assurance and regulation set by Australian government, and the TEQSA adopts the minimum level of standards, the TEQSA regulation is fine, particularly for those self-disciplined universities and TNHE partners which can do good for quality not because of the external quality agency regulation. However, responding to the TEQSA risk approach, Australian universities may ‘play safe’ to offer highly Australianized curriculum in offshore program and the dilemmas facing TNHE will be further worsened.
