
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 精準分眾以創新:由使用者行為引導媒體服務設計
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Innovation by Precision Targeting: Navigating Media Service Design by means of User Behavior
作者 歐素華
頁次 011-056
關鍵字 分眾需求以使用者為中心設計原則人物誌社會建構Early AdoptersUser-centric InnovationDesign PrinciplesPersonaSocial ConstructionTSSCI
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6160/SYSMR.201903_27(1).0001




Innovating products and services to meet users’ unsatisfied need has become top priority for corporates’ growth. However, as most enterprises engaged in design thinking, focus group, or online community, their innovation still cannot meet users’ requirement. User-centric innovation literature describes various tools to learn from users while user innovation highlights the importance of lead users, however, enterprises found it is not easy to get access to lead users or learn from target audience. This article examines how a newspaper company innovates products and services from the design principles, extracting from its core audience using experience. There are three main theoretical contributions. First of all, this paper emphasizes the early adopters as the main target audience. Comparing with lead user or user community, early adopters are more accessible, have some specific domain knowledge, and are influential to other users. The more precise description of the early adopters, the more clear of their pain points. Secondly, this paper inspires enterprises to learn from users’ experience. Users’ sense making for products and services provides important reference points for innovation. Comparison in users’mind instead of producers’ mind can help enterprises shorten learning curves and avoid ineffective designs. Thirdly, this paper highlights the importance of design principles. By turning users’ pain points into design principles, producers can have reasonable design instead of over design or insufficient services. Practically, this article suggests media companies to learn from the early adopters by having precise personas, analyzing users’ experience, and coming up with dedicated design principles.
