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篇名 學齡前兒童的行動科技使用行為現況和親子互動行為的相關性探討:以雙北市為例
卷期 42
並列篇名 Preschool children’s behaviour of mobile technology use and their interaction with parents - A survey of preschool children and parent in Taipei area
作者 曾威舜劉潔心
頁次 085-108
關鍵字 行動科技身體活動學齡前兒童螢幕時間靜態行為mobile technologyphysical activitypreschool childrenscreen timesedentary behaviorTSCI
出刊日期 201806


本研究目的為探討家長與學齡前兒童的行動科技使用行為、家長對於行動科 技使用的認知與態度、環境可近性,及親子互動行為的不同型態。為探討行動科 技的使用行為,以問卷調查設計,隨機選取臺北市與新北市的托嬰中心與幼兒園 收案,並以學齡前兒童的家長(n=325)為研究對象。 研究結果顯示,超過六成(65%)的家長為行動科技的重度使用者(每日超過 2小時),接近六成(57.2%)的學齡前兒童使用過行動科技產品;每日使用總時間 多數(45.2%)落在「1-30分鐘」以內;最常使用的內容為「看影片」;最常使用的地 點是「家中客廳」。而在環境可近性,有超過七成(72.4%)的家庭擁有「3台以上」 的行動科技產品;親子互動的靜態行為以「看電視」為主;身體活動以「戶外活動」 為主。迴歸分析結果顯示,「家長的行動科技使用時間」和「環境可近性」可以預 測學齡前兒童的行動科技使用時間,可解釋變異量為19.7%;「家長和學齡前兒童 的行動科技使用時間」可有效預測親子靜態行為總時間,可解釋變異量為6.9%。 為了保護學齡前兒童健康發展與提升親子互動品質,本研究建議學齡前兒童 的家長:(1) 以身作則、螢幕時間最小化、建置使用禁區。(2) 降低親子靜態行為 比例。(3) 提高親子身體活動比例。(4) 共同培養良好行動科技使用習慣。


The objective of this study aims to investigate the mobile technology behaviors’ cognitions and attitudes, the accessibility, and the different models of interactions among parent and their preschool children. The research used questionnaire survey, conducted in the Taipei area in Taiwan, The target parents (n=325) were randomly selected from infant daycare centers and kindergartens. The results indicated that 65% of parents are heavy mobile technology user, and 57.2% preschool children have used mobile technology. With regard to parentchild interaction, the main sedentary behavior is TV watching, and the main physical activity is outdoor activities. Based on the analysis, the predictive factors of the preschool children screen time is correlated with the parent behavior and mobile technology accessibility (R2=.197). And the other predictive factors of the total times for sedentary behavior is the screen time between parents and their preschool children (R2=.069). In order to promote the wellbeing of preschool children and to enhance quality of parent-child interaction, the author suggests parents should: (1) be the role model to minimize screen time and set screen-off zone, (2) reduce sedentary behavior, (3) get more physical activity, and (4) mindfully inculcate mobile technology habits with children.
