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篇名 舞蹈教室有氧舞蹈課程滿意度内容要素探討
卷期 10
並列篇名 Exploration of Elements of Satisfaction Contents of Aerobic Dancing Course in Dancing Classroom
作者 陳岷莘
頁次 019-031
關鍵字 舞蹈教室有氧舞蹈課程滿意度Dancing ClassroomAerobic DanceSatisfaction of Course
出刊日期 201903


本研究目的為探討坊間營利的有氧舞蹈課程滿意度之内容要素,採文獻分析法進行要素 分析。分析後發現有氧課程滿意度内容要素可歸納為核心因素以及邊際因素。核心因素有三 個層面,在「師資層面」上,有運動指導與課堂經營等要素;在「課程層面」上,有課程特 色與課程編排等要素;在「學習層面」上,有心理感受與身體成效等要素。邊際因素有三個 層面,在「行政層面」上,包含教室課程以外之事務與課程介紹等要素;在「人際層面」上,有 同儕互動與師生互動等要素;在「環境層面」上,有教室環境與課用器材等要素。從研究發 現,内容要素廣泛且多元,但無法得知各要素的比重程度。故有必要就各層面要素進行實證 研究,加以釐清。是以,建構一份可有效測量有氧舞蹈課程滿意度之量表將是後續研究的首 要工作。


The purpose of this research is to discuss elements of satisfaction contents of the local private operation organizations of aerobic dancing course. Literature is adopted in analysis method. The aerobic course elements of satisfaction contents upon analyzing, it is found there are inducted in core elements and boundary elements. Thus, there are three levels in core elements: On the (Teacher Qualification Level) elements, sporting guide and course management etc. are included. On the (Course Level) elements, characteristic course and course arranged etc. are included. On the (Learning Level) elements, psychological feeling and body effectiveness are included. Besides, there are three levels of surrounding elements: On the (Administrative Level) elements, classroom course affairs excluded and course introduction etc. are contained. On the (Interpersonal Level), elements of peer interaction and teacher & student Interaction etc. are also contained. On the (Environmental Level), there are elements of classroom environment and class equipment used. From this research, it is found the content elements are wide and multiple, however it is difficult to know the proportion degree of each element. Therefore, it is necessary to carry on the empirical study to greatly clarify. Concluding the above elements, to construct an effective measurement note for scaling satisfaction of aerobic dancing course will be the first work of follow-up research.
