
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Demand Decision Analysis Strategy Development for Gas Turbine Engine Based on the MTBF
卷期 30:1
作者 Yao-Te TsaiShu-Ching WangKuo-Qin YanWen-Pin Liao
頁次 126-141
關鍵字 gas turbine generator thermal elementmean time between failures thermal power plantEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201902
DOI 10.3966/199115992019023001013



At present, the most common methods employed by combined cycle power plants to schedule component planning are based on the data provided by the manufacturer or the experience of the power plant staff. However, the variations in usage and environment can lead to variations in the service life of the thermal component. Ignoring these external factors may result in a waste of resources and lack of inventory. In this study, a strategic decision analysis of Mean Time Between Failure-based (MTBF-based) gas turbine engine components needs is proposed. This analysis can assist power plant personnel in understanding the state of supply and demand for the special thermal components of specific gas turbine generators, thereby reducing the probability of the plant shutting down as the result of pending components and overconsumption of spares. Then, the overall costs of thermal component maintenance and management can be reduced.

