
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Dynamic Level Interaction Method Based on Trusted Value
卷期 30:1
作者 Yong-sheng ZhangYue-qin FanRan-ran CuiYu Wei
頁次 142-152
關鍵字 grading thoughtprivacy datatrusted cloud computingtrusted valueEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201902
DOI 10.3966/199115992019023001014



With the rapid development of the cloud computing, there is a large amount of service providers with low quality in the marketplace. The mendacious service providers cause a serious loss for the users. In order to select an efficient cloud service, it can be trust and meet the user’s privacy protection requirements. In this paper, a dynamic level interaction method based on credible value is indicated. The cloud service providers and cloud users are divided into different dynamic levels according to their historical records. The security level of privacy data is decided according to the users’ trust level. This model introduces the center degree factor to filter the mendacious service and it can get a more accurate service evaluation by limiting the malicious users to make false evaluation for the service and it can control the providers’ access rights to protect the users’ information. The results of simulation experiment show that this model can improve the interaction successful rate and strengthen the safety of user privacy data. It demonstrates the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach in trusted interaction with other counterparts.

