
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 An Infrared-Based Parking System Using Non-Processor OBU Device
卷期 30:1
作者 Hsin-Chuan ChenChiou-Jye HuangKai-Hung Lu
頁次 153-165
關鍵字 data collisiondelay controlinfrared parking systemsOBU deviceEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201902
DOI 10.3966/199115992019023001015



In the conventional parking systems for home or community, the drivers of vehicles mostly use the wireless remote controller or RFID card to open the parking barrier gate by identification when they enter into or exit from the parking lot. However, it is inconvenient by a manual operation even these approaches are simple and easy. Therefore, more and more parking systems develop toward to automatic identification and control, and the OBU (On Board Unit) devices need to be installed on the vehicles. Most of the OBU devices use MCUs to control the infrared transmission and reception for the infrared-based parking systems. However, the more battery power of the OBU device will be dissipated. In this paper, a non-processor OBU device is proposed to reduce its standby power consumption. Besides, when the OBU device receives an infrared induced signal to cause transmitting an infrared identification signal, the data collision also can be avoided by the design of the delay control circuit to further increase the stability of identification.

