
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Non-contact Optical Image Analysis and Measurement of Heartbeat Method
卷期 30:1
作者 Hsien-Wei TsengYang-Han LeeChien-Da HuangYu-De LiaoTing-Wei LinTing-Cheng Chang
頁次 183-196
關鍵字 Electrocardiography Fast Fourier Transform image processingnon-contactIndependent Components Analysis EIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201902
DOI 10.3966/199115992019023001018



Noncontact detection refers to using external energy to detect human physiological information changes without contacting the human body. Because noncontact detection devices are exceedingly expensive and unavailable, using them on average families or for personal use is inappropriate. This study designed an image-based noncontact heartbeat measurement method for determining heartbeats by using varying light absorption on the human face. By performing image processing and independent components analysis, hidden information in the images were identified and concentrated before conducting frequency domain transform and heartbeat estimation processes, thereby achieving noncontact automatic measurement.

