
中外文學 THCI

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篇名 「這條狗就是這條路」
卷期 48:1=464
並列篇名 “This Dog Is the Road”
作者 王榆晴
頁次 087-126
關鍵字 吳爾芙福樂喜德勒茲情動巴特勒危命易受性平等Virginia WoolfFlushdogGilles DeleuzeaffectJudith Butlerprecarious lifevulnerabilityequalityTHCI
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6637/CWLQ.201903_48(1) .0003


維吉妮亞‧ 吳爾芙的狗傳記《福樂喜》以人狗界線曖昧不明的觀點 呈現維多利亞時代女詩人伊莉莎白‧ 貝瑞特‧ 布朗寧與其寵物狗福樂 喜日常生活重要事件,對於不同城市氣候與公共安危帶給人與非人的影 響,有著細膩的著墨與明顯的對比。傳記以狗為主角,在文學敘事與動 物議題上日益引發爭辯。本論文第一部將討論以動物觀點書寫的擬人 化爭議及這類評論的可能設限。第二部分將焦點放在女作家與狗之間連 結,並以德勒茲式情動,開展有別於文學擬人化與性別政治的生命-書 寫-人-狗流變關係性。第三部分加入茱蒂斯‧ 巴特勒的生命理論,重 思文本迫出的平等問題與政治性。除了援用德勒茲的情動與內在性概念 思考《福樂喜》人-物界線游移不定之狀態與人-物相互影響之組配關係 之外,本文認為可進一步藉由巴特勒的危命概念,補充德勒茲哲學中較 少提及的平等預設問題。本文試圖以微命與危命所能開展的情動平等預 設為理論框架,論述吳爾芙的《福樂喜》如何能從人本中心的國/家/主 體問題開啟逃逸路線,重思人與非人的界限,並在書寫的流變實踐中, 進一步開展無限生命的創造性連結。


Virginia Woolf ’s dog biography Flush dwells upon the eponymous cocker spaniel’s companion relationship with the Victorian poetess Elizabeth Barrett Browning from cold, damp London to sunny Pisa and Florence. With the dog as the central character, the narrative is unfolded more through bodily senses than from the perspective of an omnipotent narrator, thus raising debates over the literary device and the animal issue. The first section of this paper will discuss some criticisms on this book, particularly the debate regarding anthropocentric and anthropomorphic writings and its limitation. The second section will focus on the relationality between the female writers and dogs to tease out the writer’s Deleuzian praxis of becoming in response to the human/ non-human dualism. The third section will bring in the discussion of Judith Butler’s conceptualization of precarious life and vulnerability alongside the Deleuzian affect to account for the world’s impingement on the body. This paper argues that the affective equality based on bodily vulnerability prompts us to rethink the boundary between the human and the non-human as well as to create infinite linkage between lives.
