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篇名 論自然科學課程綱要中的「素養」內涵
卷期 413
並列篇名 Connotation of Scientific Literacy in Science Curriculum Guidelines
作者 劉湘瑤張俊彥
頁次 002-009
出刊日期 201810


本文欲釐清課綱基本理念中「素養」一詞與幾個相關英文字詞的關係,進而闡述該詞的內 涵定義。透過中文文獻典籍裡使用「素養」的中文字義,與國際教育文件使用字詞的比對 後,作者認為素養具有知識觀念的內在涵養以及面對周遭事物的心智習性,對應的英文字 以literacy 較competence 或competency 更為適合。本文繼而論述科學教育界所熟悉的科 學素養及其多元意涵的演進,最後以十二年國教課綱文件中對於科學素養的定義,提出科 學課室教學題材的建議。


In this article, we intend to clarify the translation issue on the terms: “competency,” “competence” and “literacy,” corresponding to the core educational goals in our national curriculum guidelines. We review classics in Chinese literature to delineate the meanings of the term “Su-Yang” (素養) and search international education documents for comprehending the usage of the term. By referring to the etymology of the stated English terms, we assume that “literacy,” embracing both subject matter knowledge and habits of mind, is a better word in the context of curriculum development. Developing scientific literacy has been the ultimate goal of science curriculum, which is explicitly addressed in the new 12-year Basic Education Curricula. This is followed by discussing the evolving patterns of scientific literacy, as well, suggestions on science classroom teachings are proposed.

