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篇名 焦慮、動機、外向性、與英文成就對台灣英語學習者 使用語言學習策略的複合效應:以南部某大學為例
卷期 20
並列篇名 The Joint Effects of Anxiety, Motivation, Extroversion, and English Achievement on Taiwanese EFL Learners9 Language Strategy Use: A Case of Learners from One University in Southern Taiwan
作者 陳柏軒
頁次 053-098
關鍵字 外語焦慮動機外向語言學習策略英文成就foreign language anxietymotivationextroversionlanguage learning strategiesEnglish achievement
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.3966/181147172018120020003


本研究探討台灣英語學習者使用語言學習策略的偏好,以及焦慮、動機、外 向、與英文成就對其使用語言學習策略的共同影響。共118位(男生57位,女生61 位)選修通識英文的大一學生有效地完成外語焦慮、動機、內外向、及語言學習策 略等量表。英文成就由學期成績表示。研究結果顯示台灣英語學習者最常使用的語 言學習策略是認知和補償策略,其次是後設認知和情感策略,最不常使用記憶和社 會策略。一般而言,外語焦慮與大部分的語言學習策略有顯著的負相關,而動機、 外向、及英文成就則與大部分的語言學習策略有顯著的正相關。就預測力而言,動 機對整體語言學習策略的使用預測力最大,其次是英文成就,最後是外向,三者共 可解釋整體語言學習策略使用的33.6%變異量。另外,動機、英文成就、與外向均可 中介外語焦慮與整體語言學習策略使用之間的關係。本研究結論指出為了能增進英 語學習者使用語言學習策略,他們在學習英文的過程中必須同時注重提升其動機、 英文成就、及外向特質,並降低其焦慮。


The purpose of the present study was to explore Taiwanese EFL university learners5 strategy use preferences and to examine the joint effects of anxiety, motivation, extroversion, and English achievement on language strategy use. A total of 118 (57 males, 61 females) EFL university freshmen taking General English II satisfactorily completed the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale, the Motivation Questionnaire, the Guilford Personality Inventory, and the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. Participants5 English achievement was measured by means of their semester results (midterm and final examinations). The results showed that cognitive and compensation were the most frequently used strategy categories, followed by metacognitive and affective, while memory and social were the least frequently used strategy categories. In general, foreign language anxiety was negatively correlated with most of the strategy categories, while motivation, extroversion, and English achievement were positively correlated with most of the strategy categories. Motivation was the best predictor of overall strategy use, and English achievement was the next best predictor, followed by extroversion. Together, these three factors were able to explain 33.6% of the variance in overall strategy use. In addition, motivation, extroversion, and English achievement mediated the relationship between anxiety and overall strategy use. It is concluded that high motivation, high extroversion, high English achievement, and low foreign language anxiety should be emphasized simultaneously for enhancing EFL leamers, language strategy use.
