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篇名 三官大帝寶號中的炁數考論
卷期 46:4=539
並列篇名 The Textual Research on the Qishu in the Precious Titles of the Three Officials
作者 詹石窗張紅志
頁次 089-105
關鍵字 三官寶號炁數分炁氣籍The Precious Titles of the Three OfficialsQishu The Mode of Distribution of Qi Qiji A&HCI
出刊日期 201904




During the early Daoism, the Precious Titles (聖號) of the Three Officials didn’t contain Nine Qi (九炁), Seven Qi (七炁), Five Qi (五炁). However, the terms were added into the Most High Marvelous Life-Protecting Scripture Granting Happiness Forgiving Dins and Averting Disaster (《太上三元賜福赦罪解厄延生妙經》). This change involves in many aspects, such as the Qishu (炁數) of Three Officials are different, which is related to the concept of the mode of distribution of Xing and Qi in Taoist cosmology. It is also related to the Image-numerology and Month. which involves in the Way of the Celestial Master. And what’s more it related to the Palace of the Three Officials.
