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篇名 王陽明《傳習錄》「然非『新』字義」辨
卷期 46:4=539
並列篇名 Promoting the Study in the World: The Arguement about “This is not the Meaning of the Character Xin” of Wang Yangming’s Record of Transmission and Practice (Chuanxi lu)
作者 張朋華許偉趙晨蔡敬賢
頁次 157-174
關鍵字 傳習錄大學親民新民Record of Transmission and PracticeGreat LearningLoving the PeopleRenewing the PeopleA&HCI
出刊日期 201904




There is a sentence “This is not the meaning of the character qin 親” in the first dialogue of Wang Yangming’s Record of Transmission and Practice (Chuanxi lu). There are several different ways of writing this, which has led to diverse understandings and interpretations when comparing many historical printed editions. Previous scholars have not realized that “qin 親” is an incorrect character, and the correct character should be “xin 新”. From studying different printed versions of Wang’s Record, it can be seen that the character “qin 親” was based on Xie Tingjie’s edition of the Complete Writings of Wang Yangming and the character xin新 based on the edition of Qian Dehong, while the earlier edition by Nan Daji also used “xin新”. Furthermore, in principle, “This is not the meaning of the character qin 親” goes against both Chinese grammar and Wang’s own argumentative logic, as well as running against Wang’s theory from a hermeneutical perspective. We would like to clarify this almost 500-year-old mistake. This paper should push forward the study of Wang’s Record in particular, and Wang Yangming studies in general in the future.
