
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 晚清甲午前在華中外人士對於美國教育的介紹
卷期 65:1
並列篇名 The Introduction of American Educationby Missionaries and Chinese Officialsand Commoners in Late Ch’ing Chinabefore 1894
作者 周愚文
頁次 079-122
關鍵字 甲午美國教育教育移轉晚清American educationChia-Wueducational transferlate Ch’ingTSSCI
出刊日期 201903




The aim of this article is to explore the introduction of American Education in lateCh'ing before 1894. Historical method was used: forty-nine volumes of historical andgeographic books, traveling records, and diaries written by missionaries, diplomats,local officials and commoners were analyzed. Among them, twenty-six volumes ofthese had recorded educational events in the U.S. A., involving elementary and middleschools, colleges and universities, girls’ education, military academies, blind and deafenschools, normal schools, professional schools of law, medicine and theology, Severalreasons were argued to cause difficulties to get a full picture of American educationwere found, making borrowing the concepts challenging. First, the educationalinstitutions recorded were located in Washington D. C. and 29 states, and the namesof country, states, and educational institutions were translated differently, leading toconfusion. Moreover, as the American common education system and school system of 8-4 pattern were just starting to form, it was harder for outsiders to understand. Further,the concepts of civil service examination in China were used to interpret Americansystem by a few authors, causing misunderstanding. Finally, although the educationaladministration system had been mentioned in some books, it was not clearly stated orexplained that the right of education belonged to states instead of the nation.
