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篇名 以設計思考為導向的可持續產品服務系統
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Design Thinking Oriented Sustainable Product Service System
作者 陳歷渝吳彥謝文哲
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 責任設計可持續發展設計思考服務產品服務系統(PSS)responsibility designsustainable developmentdesign thinkingserviceproduct service system
出刊日期 201904




Design Thinking is a people-oriented, prototype driven process for innovation. It is not only a design method, but also a problem-solving method. This paper is aimed at discussing the key of sustainable product service system, and evaluating the process and method of product service system that based on design thinking. First of all, put forward the relationship between sustainable development and design ethics. Secondly, pointed out that service is the key to dematerialization. Finally, put forward the design thinking oriented PSS process and method.
