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篇名 透過產品計劃性拋棄策略的完善探討可循環再生的綠色建材
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Explore Recyclable Green Building Materials through Perfection of the Products Planned Obsolescence Strategy
作者 郭建昌李婷婷
頁次 017-026
關鍵字 計劃性拋棄策略綠色建材可循環再生可持續發展Strategy of planned obsolescenceGreen building materialsRecyclableSustainable development
出刊日期 201904




In recent years, as urbanization has undergone rapid development, a large number of buildings have caused huge depletion of environmental resources. Existing buildings that have not reached the end of their useful lives have also been subjected to large-scale transformation or demolition. Urban update bring huge amounts of construction waste and abandoned building materials to the environment. Paying attention to quality, caring for the environment, and restraining consumption have become the consensus of today's design community. All products must consider the strategies for the recycling of product materials during the entire life cycle of planning, design, production, transportation, employ, maintenance and regeneration. About the architecture, unlike the short life cycle of common industrial products, building materials are subject to cost-effective economic benefits, and are affected by the lag in safety performance assessment. The community has paid insufficient attention to and promoted the recyclable green building materials. This article reviews the background, nature, and challenge of the product strategy of planned obsolescence through literature review, conforms to the requirements of environmental protection for the product consumer market in the new era, and reflects on the completion about strategy of planned obsolescence in combination with the development of green building materials in mainland China. The status and its misunderstandings in the use of the promotion process, through analysis today's green building materials can be recycled model, research results are conducive to the green building and the existing building green transformation of the material selection and research and development.
