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篇名 臺灣地區教保服務人員工作壓力與睡眠品質之相關性研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship between Job Stress and Sleep Quality among Preschool Educators in Taiwan
作者 駱明潔江姵嬅
頁次 078-112
關鍵字 臺灣地區教保服務人員工作壓力睡眠品質Taiwanpreschool educatorjob stresssleep quality
出刊日期 201901


本研究旨在探討臺灣地區教保服務人員工作壓力與睡眠品質之現況及差異性;分層隨機抽取臺灣本島共19 縣市的1,000 位教保服務人員,回收之有效樣本數為829 份。研究結果如下:臺灣地區教保服務人員工作壓力之現況為中等程度偏低,以教保工作負荷之壓力最高,其次依序是人際關係互動、行政工作負荷;睡眠品質之現況為良好程度。教保服務人員的人際關係互動壓力,31-35 歲顯著高於46-50 歲、服務年資6-10 年顯著高於21 年(含)以上;在行政工作負荷壓力,31-35 歲顯著高於25 歲(含)以下、學歷碩士畢業顯著高於學歷大學畢業;身體質量指數為過重與肥胖的教保服務人員,其睡眠品質比正常者明顯不佳。工作壓力分量表之行政工作負荷、教保工作負荷、人際關係互動及身體質量指數為過重者對於教保服務人員睡眠品質具有預測力。根據研究結果,提出相關建議,以供教保服務人員、幼兒園或政府相關單位參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the current statuses of, differences in, and the correlation between job stress and sleep quality among preschool educators in Taiwan. Based on stratified random sampling, the questionnaire was administered to 1,000 preschool educators across 19 cities/counties in Taiwan and 829 responses were valid. The findings were as follows: Preschool educators in Taiwan reported a level of current job stress slightly below the intermediate level. The stress from “education and care workload” was the highest, followed by the stress from “interpersonal interactions” and that from “administrative workload”. Their sleep quality was good. In the aspect of stress from “interpersonal interactions”, preschool educators aged “31-35 years old” scored significantly higher than those aged “46-50 years old”, and preschool educators having a service duration between “6-10 years” scored significantly higher than those having a service duration of “21 or more years”; in the aspect of stress from “administrative workload”, preschool educators aged “31-35 years old” scored significantly higher than those aged “25 years old or below”, preschool educators with “graduate school” education scored significantly higher than those with only “university” education. Preschool educators who were overweight or obese had significantly poorer sleep quality compared to those with a normal body mass index (BMI) level. The three dimensions of job stress, including “administrative workload”, “education and care workload”, and “interpersonal interactions”, along with “overweight by BMI” were predictors of sleep quality among preschool educators. Based on the above findings, this study proposed numerous suggestions as a reference for preschool educators, preschools, and authorities concerned.
