
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Research on Corners Detection of Hazardous Chemicals Stackings and Distance Measurement Algorithm Based on Piecewise Straight-Line Fitting
卷期 30:2
作者 Xue-Jun LiuBi-Xian YuanYu-Chen WeiZhe-Wen ZhangXin-Tong LiHong-Chao MaBo Dai
頁次 173-182
關鍵字 corners extractionhazardous chemicals stackingsremoving noise corners in knearest neighborsShi-Tomasi detectionstraight-line fittingEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201904
DOI 10.3966/199115992019043002016



The storage of hazardous chemicals is related to the safety of people and city. At present, a method that hazardous chemicals are stored in the warehouses of the bungalows is adopted widely. The monitoring of all safety status are key problems, especially for the safety distance measurement of “five-distance”. In this thesis, aiming at the problems of effective corners extraction in binocular visual distance measurement, a united algorithm that based on Shi-Tomasi corners detection and improved Piecewise straight-line fitting is presented, in which a method of removing noise corners by using K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm is used and effective corners are intersections of fitting line. The experimental results show that the method can effectively remove false corners and recover the missing effective corners. The accuracy of corner extraction is more than 80%, and the distance measurement error is less than 2 cm.

