
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 A Real-time Pedestrian Detection Model Adopted by High-Performance ANS-DPM
卷期 30:2
作者 Ai-Ying GuoFeng RanJian-Hua ZhangMei-Hua XuLu-Ming GongHua-Ming Shen
頁次 240-251
關鍵字 adaptiveANS-DPMfeature extractionLatent-SVMpedestrian detectionEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201904
DOI 10.3966/199115992019043002022



In order to fulfill the real-time pedestrian detection system, it is difficult to balance the higher detection rate and greater detection speed at the same time. Therefore, this paper proposed an Adaptive Neighborhood Selection-Deformable Part Model (ANS-DPM) as a novel pedestrian feature operator to solve this problem. ANS-DPM adopts the adaptive feature zones to extract the pedestrian features based on the relationship between features ex-traction score with the experience threshold to decrease the whole calculation and upgrate. Meanwhile, the inner-layer and inter-layer constraint are introduced into the ANS-DPM to deal with the model of robustness. Finally, ANS-DPM with Latent-SVM constructs the pedestrian detection system and experiment result shows that the ANS-DPM can improve the feature rate, while the pedestrian detection system can detect 30 fps to satisfy the real-time detection system.

