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篇名 李白四首「蓮花劍」詩之章法結構及藝術手法探析
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 A Study Investigating and Analyzing the Poetic Structures and Artistic Techniques in Lai Bia’s Four Poems of “Lotus Sword”
作者 陳宣諭
頁次 066-089
關鍵字 蓮花章法結構李白LotusSwordPoetic StructuresLi Bai
出刊日期 201903
DOI 10.6284/NPUSTHSSR.201903_13(1).4




“Lotus” is the symbol of auspiciousness, sincerity and good will, and character of integrity. Li Bai loved swordsmanship, and presence of the word “sword” in his poetry accounts for approximately one tenth of the total number of poems. In his poetry, he even directly combined “Lotus” of Buddha’s temperament with the masculine Sword” to create a sword name, such as “Lotus Sword.” Therefore, the lotus image was not merely used to decorate precious swords. The original softness and beauty of the lotus image were also converted into the masculine spirit under the pen of Li Bai. This study investigated Li Bai’s use of terms of “Lotus Sword” image, and discovered that there was a common symbolic meaning. This study intended to investigate and analyze the poetic structures and artistic techniques in four poems “Hu is Emptied,” “A Poem for Xuancheng Yuwen Taishou and Cui Shiyu,” “Seeing Off Liang Chang to North Expedition under Prince Xin'an,” and one of the two poems of “gratitude for good treatment” to understand his intention to use the lotus sword image to express the good encounter and tacit understanding between emperor and minister, his strong ambition to contribute to his country and saving the world, and the softness and beauty hidden in the masculine and cold sword.
