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篇名 老子「自然」的原初信仰與神話圖像研究
卷期 46:5=540
並列篇名 Primitive Belief and Mythical Image of Lao Tzu’s Zi Ran (自然)
作者 胡建升
頁次 117-132
關鍵字 老子自然原初信仰元始祖氣元氣神話圖像Lao TzuZi RanPrimitive BeliefYuan QiMythical ImageA&HCI
出刊日期 201905




In the last years of Chun-qiu Periods, “Ancient Dao”(古道) was divided to “Normalized Dao” (常道) and “Unnormalized Dao” (非常道). Lao Tzu thinks that “Normalized Dao” is the untrue state of Dao, and “Unnormalized Dao” is the true state of Dao, “Unnormalized Name” (非常名) is the true name of Dao. By the evidences as material image, traditional document, oral culture, we think, the cultural meaning of “Zi” (自) is the belief identity to the true state of the Self which the self comprehends the being state from the true state of the Self or the Primitive Heart in the inward word, and obtains the true state of divine Dao. So the cultural meaning of Zi Ran (自然) is the cultural regulation according to the true state of the Self or the Yuan Qi (元氣).
